Monday, May 06, 2002

[05.06.2002 Toronto time] entry 002 TESTING ONE TWO THREE The wife has started her own blog and needs help figuring out how the whole thing works. So here I am again, none too pleased to be swimming upstream against the tedious blogger interface, but doing it for the little lady. So far, I'd rather be doing this whole thing in MS Notepad, to be honest. It's easier to put in links, in any case. Honestly, I can't figure out how this crap works. Totally counterintuitive.

Thursday, April 04, 2002

[04.04.2002 Toronto time] entry 001 BANDWAGON JUMPING I've been at my desk for six hours now, pulling photos off of Reuters and from the Star's photodesk. Today's shots from Palestine are far tamer than yesterday's - I wonder if things have cooled off for the moment, or whether the photographers have lost their appetite for gore just for the moment. More likely the former than the latter, I suppose; I've never known a photojournalist to get tasteful when faced with a really visceral shot.

My name is Richard James Aaron McGinnis. I've been writing the diary thing for almost four years now. Pre-blog history - the era of the online journal. I thought I'd give this a try for a few weeks, while I have access to an ISDN line at work and the whole of the web to graze over while I sit here, filling the blank spaces in a Toronto transit daily.

I'm a 37-year old writer and photographer. I'm married, with three cats. Let's see how this goes, why don't we?